
THE BIZ : Uncovered

Another reason not to become an actor:

When Lance Henriksen, perhaps best known as the android Bishop in “Aliens,” was denied homeowners and liability insurance last year, he was stunned at the reason: The insurer discovered a Times story saying that he had hung out with bikers while preparing for one movie and yelled at a priest during another.

Pretty minor misdeeds, you might think, but insurance companies frequently reject actors. Sarah Legan with Vansa Insurance Services, which specializes in performers, says many firms won’t insure celebrities because they’re easy targets for lawsuits and, as Jack Nicholson’s driving habits and Johnny Depp’s hotel-room antics show, have a reputation for recklessness.

“It’s absurd,” says Henriksen, who will next appear with Sharon Stone and Gene Hackman in “The Quick and the Dead.” “This goes back to the old days, when actors weren’t even allowed in a hotel.”
