
Friendly Neighbors Add to Lake Manor Allure

In regard to the article about the Chatsworth Lake Manor area (Dec. 5): You seem to have captured the allure of our community, namely, that it is the antithesis of Simi Valley. However, you missed another point. The “we keep to ourselves” remark doesn’t quite fit.

In all the places I’ve lived (nine addresses, three states, two coasts), the neighbors here are by far the friendliest. People smile and wave when they see each other as a matter of rule rather than exception. We actually go to each other’s houses to talk instead of phoning. Last Jan. 17 especially, everyone was outside as quickly as possible to check on one another to make sure we were all OK.

The only folks we don’t like to have around are the individuals whose sole interaction with us is the use of Lake Manor Drive twice a day for commuting. Many of these individuals insist on speeding 50 m.p.h. on a 25-m.p.h. road with blind turns, blind hills and blind side streets. I routinely get passed by or honked at by commuters when I’m doing 5 or 10 miles over the speed limit.



