
Orange County Almanac

Some observers say downtown Huntington Beach was destined to look like Miami Beach under the old development plan for the tourist mecca. But the City Council recently approved a revised downtown plan, dubbed the “village concept.”

This less-intense development proposal calls for three- to four-story buildings and more pedestrian-oriented attractions. The plan area is from Beach Boulevard to Golden West Street along Pacific Coast Highway and on Main Street from PCH to Palm Avenue.

Prominent structures built so far include Pierside Pavilion, which houses a movie theater and restaurants, a parking structure and Oceanview Promenade--home of Jack’s Surfboards.



An opportunity to get into the Christmas spirit will be available at the Fountain Valley Branch Library, where carolers will perform holiday favorites.

The Old Tyme Carolers, a group of singers dressed in costumes, will perform at 7 p.m.

The public is invited to attend.

Admission is free, and refreshments will be


The library is at 17635 Los Alamos St., behind City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave. Information: (714) 962-1324.
