
Jobs Recovery Credit

An interesting counterpoint to your Dec. 3 headline, “Jobless Rate Hits 4-Year Low,” in which not a shred of credit is given to the Clinton Administration for accomplishing this, is a companion story about the “rudderless” Democratic Party! It seems that no matter how much this Administration accomplishes, The Times and other Republican-owned papers will find ways to slam Clinton and cast him in a negative light.

Had the same jobless rate been achieved under Reagan or Bush (hah!), The Times would be drooling with praise for the economic strategies and policies that produced the happy result, with scores of fawning editorials celebrating the “recovery” achieved by the GOP super-heroes! Instead, The Times resolutely focuses on the downside so that people will be led to put down Clinton no matter what.

Once again, I must publicly admonish you for your biases.


Los Angeles
