
GOP Proposal on School Prayer

What a perfect headline: “GOP Pushes for Local Control of School Prayer” (Nov. 18). I cannot imagine a more locally controlled event than prayer in school. Rep. Ernest Istook Jr. (R-Okla.), conservative politicians and the religious right just don’t get it. We already have prayer in schools. It is under local control by every student at all times.




President Bill Clinton should know better than to acquiesce to the Republican proposal to violate the United States Constitution (“Clinton Signals Willingness to Consider School Prayer,” Nov. 16).

The necessary bills proposed by the Republicans to introduce an amendment to the Constitution will in themselves be “laws respecting the establishment of religion,” which are prohibited by the First Amendment. Besides this prohibition, the Constitution gives Congress no power to legislate about religion.


Such an amendment would put a strain on the last clause of Article VI, that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the United States.” Having to swear to uphold such an amendment would be a “religious test.”


Los Angeles


It looks as though President Clinton is considering jumping onto the school prayer bandwagon started by the Republicans. None of these politicians seems to realize that there already is prayer in schools: at lunch, at recess, before exams, etc. There is no reason why the government should have to interfere in the decisions of children as to whether and when to pray. Isn’t it ironic how the politicians who talk the most about government being too big are the first to expand its role in people’s personal lives?


West Hollywood


Rep. Newt Gingrich has been quoted as saying that “Children should be allowed to pray.” Children do not need the government to “allow” them to pray or meditate or whatever, in school or out. Religious children pray whenever they want to anyway.


Extremists of the Republican Party together with the religious right cover themselves with tax-free “Christianity” in order to advance their political agenda. They oppose government regulation of big business but insist on government intrusion into the private lives of individual citizens.

One does not have to be a liberal to ask them to please leave our children alone and please leave the rest of us alone. They should pray for their own enlightenment, on their own time, without governmental decree.


Marina del Rey


The Republican sponsors of a measure to impose “voluntary” school prayer say that students who do not wish to participate could sit silently or leave the room. How about having all congressmen who don’t understand the Constitution remain silent or leave office?



Long Beach


How can parents who support school uniforms, because they keep outside conflicts and rivalries from invading the classroom, now support school prayers, which do the opposite? Imagine African American Baptists refusing to join Latino Catholics in praising the Virgin Mary. Imagine the Jews and Muslims refusing to bow respectfully in any Christian prayers. Imagine what kids who will stab each other over a baseball cap will do to those who diss their God.


Canoga Park


What were the people of Georgia thinking when they elected Gingrich to represent their interests in Congress? Is school prayer the biggest issue facing our education system today? Is this how he prioritizes the challenges of making positive changes in our country, by reinstating prayer or “a quiet moment” during class? More importantly, where is the separation of church and state? I’m all for everyone’s religious freedoms, but on an individual’s time, not on the taxpayers’ time.

This type of agenda item is not progressive nor will it have any effect on our education system. It is merely idle posturing of the GOP and a manifestation of Gingrich’s ego.


West Hollywood


A generic public school prayer: “We will now have a moment of voluntary wishful thinking.”


Woodland Hills


Perhaps our schoolchildren should begin to pray. If current trends continue, they won’t have Social Security, health care and company retirement programs to help them when they get old.


