
OBJECTIVE ANALYSIS: Disney Chairman Michael Eisner has...

OBJECTIVE ANALYSIS: Disney Chairman Michael Eisner has good reason to smile about Disneyland’s blockbuster attraction for 1995--the Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye ride. He tried it out earlier this month. “He loved it,” says new theme park president Judson Green. . . . Scheduled to open Feb. 28, the Adventureland ride also won over Green: “Best ride I have ever ridden.”

MOSTLY TALK? About 90% of us consider volunteer work a good way to solve community problems, says a new survey by the Volunteer Center of Orange County. But the numbers fall after that: Only 55% here ever volunteer for anything--slightly above the national average. . . . Why don’t more people volunteer? No time, said 60%; another 8% said they didn’t know how, and 6% said they didn’t care.

JUST CALL ED: You wonder when Ed Arnold of Fountain Valley finds time to go to work. The avuncular Channel 5 sportscaster has long been in demand by local causes: Boys and Girls clubs, March of Dimes, the Strawberry Festival, cystic fibrosis, Disneyland boosters, multiple sclerosis, Special Olympics, various cancer and heart disease fund-raisers, Rotary, Jaycees projects--and now the Salvation Army. . . . Arnold is chairman of its 1994 Christmas program. Says Arnold: “An awful lot of people here are going without.”


OTHER SIDE: For years, Vince Kontny led Irvine’s Fluor Corp., the largest engineering construction company in the United States, as its president and chief operating officer. But Kontny, who retired in September, says his business career doesn’t preclude his interest in the environment. . . . Kontny and his wife, Joan, have turned over easement rights on their scenic 400-acre Colorado ranch to a farmland conservation group--to protect it from the threat of development. Says Kontny: “I believe in development, but this land isn’t the place. We want to protect Colorado’s agricultural heritage.”
