
Let Kirk Be Gone

In regard to “ ‘Star Trek’: Even Space Has Its Road Bumps” (Sept. 30), as a fan of every incarnation of the “Star Trek” galaxy of spinoffs, I’m trying to figure out how The Times came up with the theory that fans would be mad that the character of Kirk might expire. With the exception of a very few holdouts, I can’t think of a single “Star Trek” fan who can’t wait for the character that was Kirk to kick the bucket.

As a Generation X fan, I am bored with the first series’ stranglehold on the development of “Star Trek.” Kirk is from a time laden with swashbuckling, pseudo-science and imperialism. The new “Star Trek” must face a new generation of viewers who are pragmatic, intelligent and have a TV savvy that watches Kirk’s exploits with a smirk and disinterest.

Nothing against William Shatner, but my and other Trekkies’ peeve with the latest film is that Kirk is in it at all.



Los Angeles
