
Mobil Participates in LIFE Fund-Raising

Over the next two months, gasoline purchased at most San Fernando Valley Mobil stations will help fuel an ongoing campaign to alleviate problems associated with hunger in Los Angeles County.

On Tuesday, Valley Mobil dealers launched their third annual fund-raising drive, which promises a donation to the LIFE (Love Is Feeding Everyone) organization of 1/4 of each penny for every gallon of gas sold. A minimum of $200,000 is expected to be raised.

LIFE is an 11-year-old nonprofit agency responsible for food distribution to about 170 local social service agencies.


Feeding more than 120,000 people a week, agencies benefiting from LIFE range from organizations for the homeless to teen-age runaway programs and inner-city food distribution sites for economically underprivileged families.

Money generated will go toward maintaining LIFE’s food distribution warehouse, education outreach and job training / job placement programs and hunger awareness presentations conducted by Mobil dealers and members from LIFE.

For information about this campaign or other LIFE organization projects, call (213) 936-0895.
