
NEWPORT BEACH : School Dress-Code Review Explained

A review of various dress code policies in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District could lead to a districtwide policy on student clothing, officials said.

However, district trustees have no immediate plans for a policy change. Trustees will discuss the policies of various district schools at a meeting tonight, Assistant Supt. Robert Francy said.

A recent state law allows school boards to opt for uniforms if they decide the matter is a safety issue.


Dress codes within the Newport-Mesa district vary from school to school. Some, such as Newport Harbor High School and Ensign Intermediate School, have single-paragraph, general guidelines for school attire. Others, like Tewinkle Middle School, have detailed rules, such as: “Overalls must be worn with both shoulder straps fastened.”

Although Francy cautioned against expecting a change anytime soon, district spokeswoman Nadine Wilck said that parents at three elementary schools--Pomona, Whittier and Wilson--have suggested uniforms for their schools and are surveying other parents.
