
Disney Hall

Re “Great Cities, Great Public Works,” Commentary, Aug. 30:

Richard Weinstein’s column regarding the role of great architecture in defining great cities eloquently expressed the need for public support for monumental structures such as the proposed Disney Hall. Responsible citizens should gather behind this effort.

One caveat, however. Not only was the cited example, Jorn Utzon’s Sydney Opera House, over cost, its final price tag was almost 15 times the 1959 original projection of $5.6 million dollars (U.S.)! Nonetheless, because of an effective state lottery for the opera house, it was completely paid for within two years of completion in 1973.

Perhaps the lessons Los Angeles can learn from the Sydney experience are: 1) to go into this with its eyes open regarding realistic costs based on problems of construction, material costs, potential labor problems, etc., and 2) plan for a mechanism of financing the enterprise which will capture the imagination of the citizens of Southern California.



Loma Linda
