
Mideast Peace Efforts

Sidney Baldwin’s dastardly Aug. 5 letter blaming Yitzhak Rabin’s peace efforts in the Middle East for the July 18 terrorist bombing in Buenos Aires must be countered. Baldwin represents a minority view in this country.

Rabin’s efforts for peace will depend more on the people of Israel than what we American Jews feel or wish. Living as we do in a democratic society, pledged to equal opportunity and treatment for all who live in our land, our commitment has to be toward a society in Israel and elsewhere that allows greater freedom from tyrants who rule by force, and use terror to quell opposition.

On the same day as Baldwin’s letter, the Commentary page featured George McGovern’s piece on ways and means to make Israel’s “full-flowering peace . . . bud.” He called for means to “(bolster) moderates and (undercut) extremists” by “promot(ing) peace, economic development and political participation in the region.” McGovern underscores the “root causes (for extremism): poverty, corruption and repression.”


An acceptable peace is the best answer for an end to wars, and hopefully, in that peace, causes of conflict can be removed, and an era of peace come to all the inhabitants.


Pacific Palisades
