
INGLEWOOD : L.A. Sues Inglewood, Firm Over Oil Drilling Project

The city of Los Angeles has filed suit against Inglewood and an oil drilling company over a proposed drilling project at the Inglewood Park Cemetery.

The suit alleges that Inglewood violated the California Environmental Quality Act by granting Vortex Energy and Minerals Ltd. a permit to drill for oil on what is now empty land without completing an environmental impact report.

Los Angeles Councilwoman Ruth Galanter, whose district borders the Inglewood site, said she is concerned about traffic the project will create, and other impacts such as ground water contamination and possible earthquakes. The drilling site is next to an offshoot of the Newport--Inglewood fault.


Inglewood officials acknowledge that they have not done a full environmental report, but say they are not violating the law because all relevant impacts have been addressed.
