
LONG BEACH : Discount Store Accepts $450,000 to Relocate

A downtown retailer has agreed to accept $450,000 from the Redevelopment Agency to vacate its Pine Avenue store to make room for kitchenware sellers Crate and Barrel.

Los Angeles-based 99 Only Stores agreed to move its Denco outlet at 240 Pine Ave., said Susan Shick, the city’s community development director. The agreement is key to downtown revitalization because Crate and Barrel will lure other retailers as well as customers, Shick said.

Jeff Gold, real estate director for 99 Only Stores, said his company has not selected a new Denco location.


Crate and Barrel, which is based in Chicago, will begin construction on its 9,500-square-foot store July 18. It is expected to open Oct. 1.
