
Delivering a Message With a Paddle

* Re: Conroy’s cane (“Conroy Proposes Paddling Graffiti Vandals,” May 13): Assemblyman Mickey Conroy (R-Orange) doesn’t want to cane juvenile graffiti vandals, but wants a public paddling. This to provide a needed “humbling.” Maybe he’s right. Can we paddle legislators who also may need “humbling?” One whack for each percentage salary increase they take.



* Hooray to Conroy for having the guts to propose paddling graffiti vandals. It is a humane and just act of punishment for those bent on destroying other people’s property. Paddling should not be considered cruel and unusual punishment in this country, but an effective deterrent to such criminal acts as graffiti. And, a lot less expensive than having the vandals serve time in jail. Let’s do it (paddling). Let’s give it a chance. Parents have known for many generations that controlled (but not abusive) spanking (of their young offspring) brings about desired behavioral changes. Vandals will continue to destroy other people’s property, until they began feeling the pain for their undesired acts.


Fountain Valley
