
Renters Tax Credit

* Your editorial stand against Prop. 175 (May 17), which would restore the state renters income tax credit, is a stand against tax justice for renters.

Prop. 175 will reverse the most unfair increase in recent California history, which came about when the renters tax credit was abolished. It will provide renters with a small measure of protection which homeowners enjoy. All Prop. 175 does is restore the renters income tax credit to the level it was before the Legislature recently eliminated it--$60 per individual, $120 per family.

After Prop. 13 passed in 1978, the renters income tax credit was increased. Renters had been promised tax relief from Prop. 13, but rents continued to rise while homeowners, landlords and business all received tax relief. It was only fair to provide renters with some tax relief.


Renters should not be unfairly singled out to bear the burden of tax increases. All renters are asking for is to reap some of the same benefits awarded to homeowners and large corporations. In the name of tax justice, we urge people to vote yes on Prop. 175.

LARRY GROSS, Executive Director

Coalition for Economic Survival

Los Angeles
