
AIDS Gives Him New Perspective

When I think of “Downtime,” it forces me to once again redefine another term and how it applies to my situation. I have AIDS; so many things have different meanings than they once did.

Because my time is limited, and the days are long, I hate to think of any time as being wasted. There are days when I do absolutely nothing out of necessity, so when I can, I spend my downtime taking long walks with the dog. I let him run wild without a leash, bouncing from one well-manicured lawn to another. It doesn’t matter that I may get a ticket, for the joy on his face is worth any price. I love to take a ride in the convertible, sometimes going nowhere, just the wind in my hair and the sun keeping me warm. I close my eyes and like to imagine a world where compassion runs rampant and no one hates or judges.

* Let us know what you do in your Downtime. Send 100 words or less to Los Angeles Times, Life & Style, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, Calif. 90053. Include name, address and daytime phone number.
