
TUSTIN : Salvation Army Opens New Center

The Orange County chapter of the Salvation Army will mark the opening of its church and community center in Tustin Ranch with a concert today and a worship service on Sunday.

The 45-piece Salvation Army band will perform at 7 p.m. at the new facility, at 10200 Pioneer Road. Tickets are $5 each.

The first service at the church will begin at 11 a.m. Sunday. At 3 p.m., Paul A. Rader, commander of the Salvation Army’s USA western territory, will conduct the dedication ceremony for the church, community center and administrative offices in the complex.


“The Salvation Army is known for its extensive social service programs,” said Capt. Lee R. Lescano, pastor of the new church and the Salvation Army’s county coordinator, but it is “first and foremost a Christian church.”

At a luncheon Friday, the Salvation Army honored several groups and individuals who performed volunteer services.
