
White Shoes Could Be Bad News


It may sound a little boring, but mixing whites appears to be a hot fashion trend this spring. Many women who thought they’d never wear a snowy white T-shirt with a cream vest are marching around Southern California, randomly wearing white shoes. But what they may forget is that all white isn’t always right.

“We’ll be seeing a lot of whites and naturals this year, but some women are forgetting some basic fashion sense,” says Sandy Miller of Twice the Style in Costa Mesa. “With the exception of tennis shoes, wearing white shoes is a no-no unless your pants are white.”

The old rule that the color of your shoes should never be lighter than your hemline holds true today. When wearing a beige or cream pant or skirt, stick with a shoe in that color. Bright white shoes with a yellowish white hemline are distracting. There’s only one who can get away with wearing white shoes with anything, and you can check her out on your next visit to Disneyland--Minnie Mouse.



Beach nerd: Having trouble sleeping? Feeling a little depressed about the encroachment of summer on the calendar? Perhaps with some regression therapy, you may find that you’ve blocked out a horrifying party you went to last July.

It was a Friday afternoon, hot, sticky. You were invited to a summer get-together at the boss’ house on the beach and decided to go straight from work. You got there and found that everyone at the party was dressed in beach clothes and cavorting in the sand.

You were tempted to roll those new $200 dress slacks up and try to fit in, but were afraid you’d ruin them and decided to leave them down. To make matters worse, you kept your shoes and socks on to prevent getting sand in the cuffs. People at work are still talking about you.


“In that situation, definitely roll up the slacks and pull off the socks and shoes,” says Mark Schell of Mark Schell Designs for Men in Corona del Mar. “How else are you going to have any fun? Roll them up above the knee to keep them in place. You’re not going to damage a good pair of slacks by doing that. Leaving them down could expose them to more sand. Just be careful not to get them wet.”

And keep a pair of Bermudas and a tank top in the trunk so you’ll be ready when you’re invited the next time. If there is a next time.


Sweat fret: The cat suit continues to be a fashion staple for many women, but some have been spotted wearing an unusual combination.


On occasions when they remove their blazers or sweaters, bulging dress shields to soak up perspiration can be seen poking through the armpits.

“That’s not very attractive,” says Susan Shaw of Dancegear in Newport Beach. “And it’s not something they should have to do when wearing a black or white cat suit.”

Stains on other colors can be more noticeable, such as bright red or blue. Possible solution: stick with white or black, slather on the deodorant and don’t take off the jacket.
