CLOTHES MINDED : You find a look that works and stick with it, right? Wrong. We change, and so should our sense of style. Be open to change. Vary much. O.C. fashion experts offer advice to get out of the rut.
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For Nancy Reagan, it’s the little red suit. For Larry King, it’s his trademark suspenders. For Cher, black Spandex. Most people have their favorite looks, but some cling to styles like security blankets. They get stuck in a fashion rut. You can see these fashion time-travelers everywhere: Women prance around in miniskirts decades after they should be baring their thighs. Men squeeze themselves into suits that are the same size they wore in college, ignoring those extra pounds around their middles. And you can still find people wearing the same hairstyle they’ve worn since casting their first vote for President. Recognizing that you’re the one who’s guilty of doing a style to death isn’t always easy. How to tell if it’s time for a change? Orange County style experts recently shared these tips for avoiding a fashion time-warp