
Santa Ana : Bristol Improvement Is a Top City Priority

Public works officials this week unveiled plans to spend $37.8 million next fiscal year on street, sewer and park improvements.

The plan calls for spending more than $20.2 million to improve traffic. Almost $12 million of that money will be spend to widen Bristol Street between Edinger and McFadden avenues.

That is the city’s highest-priority transportation project, and it is expected to speed traffic and reduce congestion through the area, said transportation analyst Manuel Gomez.


The street will be widened from four to six lanes and landscaping improvements will be added as part of the project. Furthermore, utility lines will be moved underground to improve the appearance and safety of the area, he said.

Officials presented the plan to the City Council during a study session at City Hall on Monday. The council will use the information to plan next year’s budget, which is expected to be adopted on June 20, Gomez said.

The capital improvement plan also calls for $4.5 million to resurface alleys, streets, sidewalks and to replace street lighting in several neighborhoods.
