
City to Test Curfew Sweeps of Juveniles

Law enforcement officials in Walnut Park expect to launch a curfew crackdown by early May, following the example set in a number of cities that are reviving curfews to combat street crime, officials said.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is scheduled to begin curfew sweeps in Walnut Park in a trial program that will eventually target the county areas of Willowbrook, Florence, Firestone, Athens Park and East Rancho Dominguez, and the city of Lynwood, said Sheriff’s Department Lt. Art Burgess.

Floyd Dominguez, president of the Walnut Park Community Assn., said residents requested the program about two months ago.


“There are too many youngsters hanging around at night, and God only knows what they are doing,” Dominguez said. “This curfew, I think it will work.”

Under the program, officials will enforce existing laws and cite any juvenile younger than 18 who is found on the street after 10 p.m.
