
Indictment Bid Rocks Effort to Form Italian Government

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Efforts to form a new government were thrown into turmoil Saturday after prosecutors asked for the indictments of a key ally of Prime Minister-designate Silvio Berlusconi and 36 others on kickback charges.

The Berlusconi ally was Umberto Bossi, leader of the Northern League, part of the three-party conservative coalition that won national elections in March. Northern League members are under consideration for key Cabinet posts.

The request also named some of the nation’s best-known political figures: former premiers Bettino Craxi and Arnaldo Forlani, former Foreign Minister Gianni de Michelis and several former Cabinet ministers.


A hearing on the indictment request was scheduled for May 24. A magistrate must rule in favor of the indictment request for the case to move forward.

Members of Parliament have immunity from prosecution unless it is lifted by Parliament at a court’s request. Bossi is now a lawmaker. Craxi, Forlani and De Michelis are not.

The indictment request is a spinoff of the six-month trial of financier Sergio Cusani, who was convicted on Thursday for his role in kickbacks for a large business merger in 1990.


Craxi and Forlani were among dozens who testified in the trial, which examined the merger and quick breakup of chemical giant Montedison and the state-owned ENI chemical group.

Many political and business leaders profited from the deal.

Bossi is accused of receiving $125,000, and Craxi allegedly took $6.6 million in kickbacks linked to the deal.
