
Trustees Bowed to Fringe Group on CLAS Tests

* As a concerned citizen in the Antelope Valley and an English teacher for 22 years in the Antelope Valley Union High School District, I am outraged and embarrassed by the school board’s cavalier defiance of the Education Code, which requires school districts to give the California Learning Assessment Standards test.

Board President Billy Pricer invited representatives of the Eagle Forum and the United States Justice Foundation--both groups from the San Diego area--and listened to their concerns at the April 6 board meeting. At the April 20 board meeting, I presented a 30-minute explanation of the tests and answered each of their stated concerns.

Apparently Mr. Pricer and his two colleagues on the board, Sue Stokka and Tony Welch, prefer to bow to the viewpoints of fringe groups (with questionable agendas and from outside our area) than to listen to logical explanations by professional educators within their own school district.


The television show “Hard Copy” recently called Lancaster “the town that banned sex.” I’d like to propose a new title for the Antelope Valley: “The place that banned critical thinking.”


