
CENSORED: The News Stories That Didn’t Make...

CENSORED: The News Stories That Didn’t Make The News And Why: The 1994 Project Censored Yearbook by Carl Jensen & Project Censored (Four Walls Eight Windows: $14.95; 318 pp., illustrated, paperback original). The annual Project Censored report offers devastating evidence of the dumbing-down of mainstream news in America. The flood of details and rumors about Heidi Fleiss, the Bobbits and Madonna in the mass media meant that more significant reports appeared only in smaller, often marginal publications. Among the stories that were sacrificed to make room for Woody & Mia, Michael Jackson and Amy Fisher: Evidence that nearly 10,000 people died in the 1986 Chernobyl disaster; that untapped oil reserves in Somalia motivated the U.S. intervention; that the much-hyped DARE program has had little effect in discouraging drug use among students; that the United Nations Children’s Fund reported 9 out of 10 young people murdered in industrialized countries are slain in the U.S. Required reading for broadcasters, journalists and well-informed citizens.
