
Wilson Aide Gets 10 Days for Drunk Driving

Gov. Pete Wilson’s campaign press secretary was sentenced Friday to 10 days in jail, fined $1,500 and placed on four years probation after pleading no contest to his second drunk driving offense in three years.

Dan Schnur, 30, also had his license suspended for one year and was ordered to attend a mandatory education program for those convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol, for which he must pay tuition of $1,500.

Schnur was arrested early March 5 as he was driving home from a restaurant a few blocks from the state Capitol. Two breath tests showed his blood-alcohol level to be at least 0.13%, far above the legal limit for driving of 0.08%. Schnur’s first drunk driving conviction was in January, 1992.


He will spend 48 hours in Sacramento County Jail and serve the rest of his sentence on a county work crew, Schnur said Friday.

Alan Ziegaus, campaign communications director, said Schnur will keep his position.
