
SEAL BEACH : Porno Newspaper Racks Removed

Four newspaper racks containing pornographic publications have been removed from a Marina Drive sidewalk by their owner after city officials informed him that the vending machines violated city laws.

The removal was cheered by residents and merchants on the street who had complained to City Hall soon after the machines appeared about a month ago.

“They must have been (installed) during the dead of night,” said Mayor Gwen Forsythe. “We would have seen it if they were put up during the day.”


The machines sold newspapers containing what Forsythe described as “hard core” pornography. “It was just extremely offensive material,” she said. The city investigated the machines and found that none had the required business license. Officials informed the owner of the violations and said he would have to apply for a license or remove the machines. The racks were gone within a few days.

The city is completing an updated newspaper rack ordinance aimed at better regulating the scores of machines that line many of the city’s busy streets.
