
SEAL BEACH : Time Capsule to Be Shown at New Eatery

A 72-year-old time capsule discovered during construction of BJs Chicago Pizzeria on Main Street will be unveiled today when the eatery celebrates its grand opening.

Workers discovered the time capsule inside a copper box last month while doing seismic retrofitting at the two-story brick building that houses the restaurant.

The capsule, which contained old papers and photos, was placed below the building foundation in 1922 when the structure was built, said Paul Motenko, co-owner of BJs.


The time capsule will be on display beginning at 5 p.m., when the grand opening celebration gets underway. Mayor Gwen Forsythe will cut the restaurant’s first slice of pizza at the event. BJs is at 209 Main St.

The restaurant will also be accepting items to be placed in a new time capsule. “We are looking for things that really represent the 1990s,” Motenko said.

The new time capsule will be placed inside the building and is scheduled to be opened in 50 years.
