
March 4 Deadline for Grants

Applications for 1994-95 National/State/County Partnership grants, which funds low-budget and developing arts organizations, are due by March 4. First- and second-year grants run from $1,000 to $5,000, third- and fourth-year grants range from $5,000 to 10,000.

To help applicants, the Los Angeles County Music and Performing Arts Commission will conduct five grant application workshops in February; the first workshop will be held Feb. 12 at 10 a.m. at the Highland Park Recreation Center.

Other workshops, which all begin at 7 p.m., take place Feb. 15 at the Florence Firestone Community Center in South-Central Los Angeles, Feb. 16 at the Whittier Museum, Feb. 17 in the Santa Clarita City Hall and Feb. 22 at the Ken Edwards Center in Santa Monica.


For applications, workshop directions or information, call (213) 974-1343.
