
FULLERTON : CSUF Gets Grant for Minority Program

Cal State Fullerton has received a $327,600 federal grant for encouraging more minority students to take part in biomedical research.

It is the fourth year the university has received funding from the National Institute of General Medical Science for the minority program.

The grant enables students to get stipends for carrying out research on a part-time basis during the academic year and full time during the summer. Graduate students earn $7,500 and funds to cover university fees, and undergraduates receive $6,000.


Sixteen Cal State Fullerton students currently are in the Minority Biomedical Research Support Program.

“During our first three years of operation, the MBRS has had a direct impact on the student participants,” said Bruce H. Weber, a chemistry professor and the program director. “It also has had an indirect impact on minority students generally by calling their attention to the program and to research opportunities on campus.”
