
Judy Cairns Cares for More Than Cats

Thank you for featuring Judy Cairns of San Pedro, who for the past 10 years has been diligently feeding and caring for two feral cat colonies, trying to alleviate some of the misery created by irresponsible pet owners (“Local Hero,” Dec. 13).

Cairns enlists the help of sympathetic veterinarians for sterilization and medical care, and sometimes places the cats in new homes. She is truly a hero.

My own activism has brought me to the realization that people who came to the aid of animals are also those who are kindest to human beings. It didn’t surprise me at all to read that the Cairns also helps homeless humans.


Albert Schweitzer’s words are especially appropriate for the season: “Until he extends the circle of his compassion to encompass all living things, man will not himself find peace.”


Last Chance for Animals

West Hollywood
