
Candidate ‘No Outsider’ to Congressional District

* I think the real issue in any election is who will provide the best and most informed representation for the area. Nevertheless, I must take gentle issue with the silly letter which took me to task for allegedly being an “outsider” to the 24th Congressional District.

If your writer had checked his facts, he would have discovered that I was born here and spent most of my working life in Los Angeles. I’ve voted here continuously since 1978 and paid property taxes since 1983. My mom lived in Glendale. My two sisters were born in Kaiser Hollywood and Queen of Angels. My Dad went to USC. I went to UCLA. It just doesn’t get much more Southern California than that.

I went to Sacramento three years ago because the governor asked me to work with him on issues important to the future of California. I took a 60% pay cut to do so, and I was happy to do it, because I love this state and care passionately about its future. I went there because that’s where they keep the State Capitol; if they kept it in Northridge, I would have gone there.


From immigration to tax policy to water to defense, California is being punished by the federal government, and I want to do something about it. Southern California is my home. I hope others will help me to make it a better place for all of us.


Woodland Hills
