
Go After Criminals, Back Off on NRA

* J. Miller’s letter (“Congress’ ‘Gang of 6 Is the Real Threat,’ Dec. 12) is a typical example of how the Clinton Administration has somehow concocted the conclusion that the Brady Bill will somehow put an end to crime in the county.

Miller’s shortsightedness has become evident if he thinks this smoke-screen legislation will make any difference in Orange County’s crime problem. Just how many gangbangers buy any firearm legally?

The Brady Bill’s own authors have openly admitted that this will do “little” to stop crime and that it is just an important first step.


Where it is questionable that 90% of the people want something done about guns, the real meaning is that they want something done about illegal guns, and criminals.

If Miller is so convinced that the gang of 6 (congressional) representatives are the real threat to his and everyone else’s security, might I suggest he move to New York or Washington, where all firearms are banned and the law-abiding, unarmed citizen is mowed down (as on the Long Island commuter train) without a second thought.

In the meantime, back off on the National Rifle Assn. They are the only organization out there that cares about the Bill of Rights enough to take on these Draconian firearms restrictions on law-abiding citizens.


And if you think it’s a snow job on the 3 1/2 million members, the important thing to remember is we are not the criminals, and we are not the problem.


Buena Park
