
Fans Should Show Up, Be Counted

* Regarding the Los Angeles Rams’ possible move to Baltimore: The typical Southern Californian never ceases to amaze me! They first show very little loyalty by not attending Rams football games, unless the team is on a winning streak or in the playoffs; they boo their own team when they do attend, and when the team ownership considers a move to a different city that will provide them with a much higher profit and probably more loyal fans, they are then critical and some say “outraged” this would even be considered!

If the Rams could make a much higher profit elsewhere, we should respect that business opportunity. If the opportunities were the same, I would then expect the Rams’ loyalty to be shaded toward the fans in Southern California.

I have been a Rams fan longer than the current owner has owned the team and expect to remain a fan in the future, regardless of their won-lost record. If other Rams fans, past and present, expect the Rams to consider them in their business-making process, the fans should prove they deserve that consideration by attending games now, while the team is losing and needs the support the most, not wait until the situation is different.


Let’s all tell the Rams we would like them to stay in Anaheim and the best way to show them is to attend each game and encourage others to do the same. They have some very exciting football players that need and deserve our support!


Past President, Rams Booster Club
