
Armor All Products, Aliso Viejo

Nature of business: Automotive and household care products

Total employees: 124

In Orange County: 107

Stock listing in The Times: On Nasdaq “Armor”

Ticker symbol: “ARMR”

Friday’s stock close: $19.75

One-week change: Up $1.50

Analyst review: “We continue to recommend Armor All for long-term investors. Our target prices are $21 to $23 near term and $24 to $26 longer term. The company’s second quarter results were right in line with our projection. A major event for Armor All was its mid-October introduction of new products: a potentially patentable wheel cleaner, and a low-gloss protectant. Every chain that has seen these products has agreed to carry both sizes once they begin to ship. A third new product, a potentially patentable tar-and-bug remover, has seen almost as strong an acceptance. We look for the three products to add incrementally to final quarter revenues and earnings.”

--Gray E. Glass, analyst, Wheat, First Securities, Richmond, VA

REVENUE Chart amount in millions

1991: $134

1992: $146

1993: $168

2 quarters

1993: $76

1994: $84


In millions of dollars

1991: $7

1992: $13

1993: $19

2 quarters

1993: $8

1994: $9

Corporate outlook: “The outlook for the remainder of the year is positive, and we anticipate that our earnings growth will be in line with our expectations. We will continue to build on the leadership position of Armor All Protectant, our flagship product, while at the same time focusing on the growth potential of international markets and new products.” --Kenneth M. Evans, president/CEO


Fiscal year ending Mar. 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 2 qtrs. 1991 1992 1993 1993 52-week high $17.25 $13.25 $21.00 $17.75 52-week low $9.38 $9.00 $11.00 $15.00 Book value per share $4.44 $4.59 $5.12 $4.76 Price per share $11.25 $12.00 $18.25 $12.50 Net profit per share $0.33 $0.61 $0.91 $0.38 Price-to-earnings ratio 34:1 20:1 20:1 16:1 Avg. return on investor equity 7.1% 13.9% 19.3% 16.0%


Fiscal year ending 2 qtrs. 1994 52-week high $19.25 52-week low $11.00 Book value per share $5.19 Price per share $18.13 Net profit per share $0.45 Price-to-earnings ratio 20:1 Avg. return on investor equity 17.4%

For more information call or write, Armor All Products Corp.: 6 Liberty, Aliso Viejo, CA, 92656. (714) 362-0600 Source: Armor All Products Corp.; Bloomberg Business News. Researched by JANICE L. JONES / Los Angeles Times
