
A Truly Classic Example of Mistaken Assumptions

A friend sent me a copy of T. Jefferson Parker’s Nov. 18th column headlined “Nature’s Worst, and Worst of Human Nature,” in which he assumes some things, at least one of which is erroneous.

Rambling on about the so-called “bottom feeders” and “idiots” who were either in Laguna Beach or driving on Laguna Canyon Road after the fires there, Parker derogatorily states: “I witnessed some dozen ‘classic’ cars locked in a motionless line on the canyon road, bound for town--old cars done up perfectly for a tour of the ruins. It seemed a testimony to the IQ of the car clubbers that they’d drive for God knows how many miles to sit in a traffic jam looking good, noting the highlights, their dates/wives/children beside them duly impressed with the nothingness just outside their classic windows.”

Because I am a member of the car club to which Mr. Parker refers, I’d like to set the record straight:


We were not on our way to Laguna Beach to view the destruction caused by recent fires but were driving from a luncheon in Lake Forest toward the coast (on public highways) to Corona del Mar, Newport Beach, Irvine, ending up in Anaheim for our monthly meeting.

As Mr. Parker so nobly espouses about himself, we did not tour any fire-ravaged neighborhoods. This was the second weekend after the conflagration, and our “run” had been planned--and maps drawn up--at least two weeks before the disaster. Joining us that day were the president of our club and his wife, longtime residents of Laguna Beach.

Ironically, instead of “sitting in a street window of the Marine Room” along with Mr. Parker, our 25-year-old club was participating in a fund-raising event, called a “poker run,” the proceeds of which are donated to a local charity or good cause. Immediately after hearing of the recent disaster, Forties Limited members voted to give $500 to the Red Cross in Laguna Beach to help out!


Even though Mr. Parker states he was, “by the larger standards, not a victim of the fire,” it seems apparent that his emotions were getting the best of him when he wrote this piece.


Lake Forest

Williams is activities co-chairman for Forties Limited Car Club of Orange County.
