
Pomona : Meeting on School Violence

Pomona Unified School District officials met with parents at Pomona High School on Monday night in a continuing effort to ease racial tensions on campus since a riot among 100 black and Latino students Nov. 19.

Principal Norman Fujimoto and Assistant Supt. Cassandra George told parents security and discipline rules will be strictly enforced. Visitors will be required to sign in, a plan will be formed to deal with further disturbances on campus and teachers will continue to lock their doors after every bell to force students to get tardy slips. A number of schoolwide assemblies addressing the problem of race relations have been scheduled.

Two dozen parents belong to the Parent Advisory Committee, which has met every Monday night since the brawl, and about 10 parent volunteers have been patrolling the campus during the day to help school officials monitor students.


A potluck dinner emphasizing diversity is planned, with families bringing dishes unique to their culture.
