
FOUNTAIN VALLEY : Tree to Be Lighted in Military Memorial

The city’s traditional Christmas tree lighting ceremony honoring men and women who served in the military will be held Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at City Hall.

The 21st annual event was begun to recognize local service personnel who were missing in action or prisoners of war. The event honors those who served in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and Desert Storm.

“By lighting the tree, we honor those brave men and women who fought to keep freedom and who today are guarding our country to keep it in peace,” said Jeannie Heimberger, community services supervisor.


The public is invited to the event, where Santa Claus will visit with children. Hot apple cider and cookies will be available.

Mayor John Collins is scheduled to preside over the event.

The late Diddy Lammers, a World War II nurse who was a post commander for the local Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9557, wanted to establish a living memorial to military personnel who sacrificed so the current generations could enjoy freedom, Heimberger said.

As a tribute, the living memorial tree was planted in front of City Hall. However, the cypress succumbed to disease and was recently replaced with a sequoia to continue the tradition.


For more information on the event, call Fountain Valley community services at (714) 965-4446.
