
Damian Williams

The 10-year sentence imposed on Damian Monroe Williams was far from excessive (“Williams Given Maximum 10 Years in Denny Beating,” Dec. 8). There is also no question that the cops who battered Rodney King received excessively lenient sentences. Even though these are examples of unequal treatment of blacks and whites, two wrongs do not make a right. Approximately equal, longer sentences should have been meted out in both cases. Let us hope that happens in the future if people of any color are convicted of vicious crimes.


Laguna Hills

* The judge didn’t get it, the district attorney didn’t, the white community didn’t get it and The Times just didn’t get it. As a black man I am as appalled and disgusted by Damian Williams as any white person, but I am equally appalled and disgusted by the four LAPD officers, in fact more so.

Here you have officers with histories of abuse and have their racist comments on tape and they go out and beat someone senseless under the color of authority. Any crime committed under the color of authority is far worse than some crime committed by some callous street hood and should be dealt with accordingly.


I believe that Damian Williams deserves the maximum sentence but at the time so did the LAPD officers and until things like that change, as a black man I will always view justice with contempt, suspicion, and anger or as we say in the black community “justice is just that, JUST US.”


Los Angeles

* If I had a hat, I’d take it off to Superior Court Judge John W. Ouderkirk.


Los Angeles

* Judge Ouderkirk--a man with the courage of his convictions.


