
Free-Standing Stove Danger

My 2 1/2-year-old nephew was killed several weeks ago in a freak accident. In an attempt to get to the cookies in a cabinet above the kitchen stove, he opened the stove door and stood on it. The stove tipped over and landed on him. While this is an extreme example of what can happen, free-standing stoves can and do tip over. In fact, it apparently requires only about 30 pounds of weight on the open door to cause the stove to tip over.

Looking at the stove that killed my nephew, there is a warning on the oven door telling the consumer of the danger of the stove tipping over. The literature that came with the stove warns the consumer in several places to install the anti-tipping device. Since 1991, all free-standing stoves sold in the United States have been required to include an anti-tipping device and literature telling of the danger of these stoves falling over.

I have been in the apartment management business since 1976 and have managed tens of thousands of apartments during this time. Many of these complexes have free-standing stoves. I was completely unaware of this potential problem. I have spoken to other people in the business, none of whom were aware of this problem. Since my nephew’s death, I have reviewed every property I manage and have installed anti-tipping devices on all free-standing stoves, when appropriate.


The loss of another life from such a solvable problem is unnecessary. Please lend a hand in getting the word out about this unknown killer.


