

Name: James Keefe

Company: U.S. Forest Service, San Bernardino National Forest

Thumbs up: “Working to preserve the ecology of an area is very satisfying. I used to work in urban planning, where preservation was not the primary concern. Right now, we are developing a 3,400-acre forest area geared toward children, so we held a kids’ camp and asked them for their ideas on building a wheelchair-accessible trail. There is always a new project in the works, and I get to work outside, which I enjoy.”

Thumbs down: “It gets frustrating sometimes because funding priorities change with every presidential administration. It’s hard to plan for the long term when you don’t know how much money will be available from one year to the next.”

Next step: “The Forest Service can only expect less funding, so we are taking steps toward developing a nonprofit association for the San Bernardino National Forest area that would generate money and volunteers.”


Advice: “In addition to knowing forest ecology, I have found it helpful to learn computers and various kinds of software. I spend lots of time on the computer doing analysis and planning.”

Salary range: $19,807 to $56,576, depending on experience.

Hours: “It’s an 8-to-5 job with lots of flexibility. I am allowed to work three days a week in the mountains and two days at home, which saves me from having to commute. Occasionally we work evenings and weekends during special projects.”

Educational and training requirements: Most recreational planners have a bachelor’s degree in recreation or business administration. A background in forest ecology is also helpful.


Expected demand: Slight. Few new positions are being created in this field, because of budget cuts.

Job description: Recreational planners devise campgrounds, recreation programs, parks and trails.

Major employing industries: U.S. Forest Service; state, city and county parks and recreation departments.


For more information: Call or visit the job service window at any office of the state Employment Development Department. In Orange County, the offices are at 900 E. Pacifico Ave. in Anaheim (714) 978-7421; 233 E. Commonwealth Ave. in Fullerton (714) 680-7800; and 1001 S. Grand Ave. in Santa Ana (714) 558-4294.

Researched by JANICE L. JONES / Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times
