
Does Coverage of Breakup Show Bias?

* As a community activist who has been involved many times in trying to get the press to cover events, rallies and programs, I am most frustrated when the press chooses not to provide coverage.

What angers me more is when the press decides eight individuals picketing Assemblyman Richard Katz’s position because he now supports the breakup of the Los Angeles Unified School District is newsworthy and covers it (Sept. 4) with a large article and picture.

In the San Fernando Valley alone there are hundreds of thousands of Latinos, and many of them support the breakup. To give credence to eight people with quotes and a picture and not report Latinos in support of the breakup and Assemblyman Katz’s position displays an unfair bias.


The press does not go to Latino and African-American individuals who support the breakup. The press always quotes the same people who are on record in opposition.

People have a right to know that this issue is very broad-based and many people of all ethnic groups share the same concern about public education and LAUSD. As a parent of children in LAUSD, I am delighted that Assemblyman Katz had the courage to change his position. I would welcome all elected officials’ maintaining an open mind on this most important issue.



* I assume your coverage of the micro-demonstration in front of Richard Katz’s office was a result of no other news on a holiday weekend. I certainly believe it was a non-event.


First, support for the breakup of the Los Angeles Unified School District comes from all corners of our diverse Valley, as well as the city. Some of the so-called leadership of various groups must be out of touch with their constituency, if not reality, if they believe that there is any sympathy let alone support, for the failed educational practices of the district. Not one elected official from the San Fernando Valley opposes the breakup, and that includes Councilman Richard Alarcon, whose City Council district overlaps Assemblyman Katz’s district. Has Alarcon’s office been picketed?

The self-appointed apologists for LAUSD who feel the need to attack others for their beliefs are not helping our children. They are merely perpetuating the agony of the LAUSD’s death throes. Let them show us that the district has produced, after years of promises, better test scores, smaller classes, safe campuses, satisfied parents and properly compensated teachers before they attack those who want educational reforms.

To my knowledge, Richard Katz has never been afraid of a fight, whether it’s for children or against ignorance. Picketing won’t discourage him, nor will it deter thousands of parents who think he’s right--the LAUSD is broken, and it should be broken up.



