
Resolution to Aid Culture of Chumash

Saying more needs to be done to preserve the culture of the Chumash Indians in Ventura County, the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday adopted a resolution to help descendants of area tribes re-establish their roots.

While two dozen Chumash descendants looked on, the board voted 4 to 0 to adopt the resolution proposed by Supervisor Maria VanderKolk.

“These people have struggled to maintain their culture,” VanderKolk said. “The purpose of the resolution is to aid them as they continue their quest to re-establish their identities.”


Under VanderKolk’s plan, county staff will work with the Chumash to help them maintain their traditions and culture. The county will also recognize the Chumash people’s need to “gather together for ceremonial purposes and to collect natural material for traditional activities.”

A Chumash descendant who goes by the name Redstar praised the supervisors’ decision.

“We are preserving something for all of our children,” said Redstar, who lives in Thousand Oaks. “Today we live our dream.”
