
B&B; Bookings and Brochures

Travelers interested in B&Bs; around the country can now get information from a single source.

Bed & Breakfast Central information was developed by Colorado innkeepers Welling and Sallie Clark. For $1 each, they will send up-to-date state association guides from a pool of 32 states; five more are expected to join next month. To obtain an order form, send a self-addressed stamped long (10) envelope to Bed & Breakfast Center information, P.O. Box 38279, Colorado Springs, Colo. 80937.

Another venture, the International Bed and Breakfast Club of Buffalo, N.Y., has fed into its computer details on more than 30,000 inns, and is offering inn bookings throughout the U.S. and Canada.


To use the service, you must pay either a yearly fee of $24.95 (for one or two people) to join the club or $15 for each booking as a non-member.

With a club membership, you also get a map and directions to the inns you have booked and a 10% discount for a stay of two nights or more at selected inns, which the organization has inspected and approved. When you phone, the booking agent will try to provide a choice of three inns at or near your destination. A reservation confirmation takes 24 to 48 hours.

The club guarantees the hospitality, comfort and cleanliness of each B&B;, a spokesman said. Travelers who are unsatisfied qualify for a refund.


For information: (800) 723-4262.
