
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO : 56 Teachers Receive Much-Needed Grants

Elementary school teachers Marilyn Montgomery and Dionne Bargabus will finally have the money to buy Polaroid cameras for their students, who are learning to take pictures away from school of things they learn about in class.

Teachers June Garner and Terry Adair will finally be able to buy backdrops, costumes and storage trunks for their young drama students.

Shorecliffs Middle SchoolCQ teachers Nancy Haas, Carol Galisky and Joy Larsen will receive money to buy railroad ties and topsoil for an archeological classroom project called DIG.


The teachers are among 56 in the Capistrano Unified School District who recently received about $21,000 in incentive grants from the South Orange County Educational Partnership and the CUSD Foundation.

“It’s just such a fabulous opportunity to bring alive something you’ve been hoping for,” Montgomery said.

The foundation raised the money for the grants during its first major fund-raiser, the Superintendent’s Ball, which was held last May. Out of more than 80 applications, the foundation awarded 16 grants of $400 each to individual teachers and 17 grants worth $800 each to teacher teams.
