
ECONOTES : A Cousteau Rises to Earth’s Defense

“Islands” will be the theme Friday night when Jean-Michel Cousteau receives the 1993 U.S. Population Environmental Award at a gala dinner at Assistance League of Southern California’s Design House, 17316 Weddington St., Encino.

Cousteau, in the spirit of his father, Jacques Cousteau, is credited with significant environmental work on the island of Madagascar, which has been jeopardized in recent years by overpopulation, deforestation (75% of forested lands) and pollution.

“Islands are a microcosm of the Earth,” says Cousteau, who lectures to more than 100,000 students each year on the importance of environmental awareness and the urgent need for change. “The destruction that occurs on such islands as Madagascar is a representation of what we can expect to occur to Mother Earth, unless we change things now.”


The event benefits the Population Education Committee and Earth Service Inc. They’ve combined the opportunity to meet one of today’s most prominent environmentalists with an evening of island music and cuisine, and a multimedia environmental presentation. Ticket range is $65 to $200, and island attire is suggested. Information: (310) 440-1492.
