
Demographic Changes

* In response to “Goodby Past, Hello Future: California’s Demographic Shift,” Commentary, Sept. 13:

The premise of this article is that older people are leaving the state, while younger workers are moving in. While the move in-vs.-out numbers are interesting, they neither support nor refute his claim. He states that “nearly one of every two adults moving to California from another state is under 30.” And conversely, “one of every four adults moving out of California is over 45.” What this means is that more than half of all adults moving to California are over 30 and three out of four adults moving out of California are under 45. If his claim of generational migration is correct, why doesn’t he give us supporting information?

His is not the first article I’ve seen on the domestic generational migration theory. It seems to be a popular concept to show that California is still the Golden State.


Frequently media pick up concepts from each other and assume that if something has been stated before, it must be correct. I hope The Times and its readers will examine the real numbers before letting this new theory become dogma.


Fountain Valley

* So you guys scoured the California think tanks until you found what you were looking for. Someone who thinks that replacing people equipped with capital and experience with someone with an absence of both, coupled with a need for a job, is good. I would love to submit a rebuttal but I feel like a mosquito at a nudist colony. Where do I start? It’s such a ridiculous opinion that I actually laughed out loud when I read it.



* For suburban Angelenos who fear the Third World syndrome of crime, drugs, homeless, xenophobia, etc., just pack up and leave. If you can’t adapt, you’ll get more frustrated, disenchanted and disengaged from Los Angeles. However, if you’re positive and open-minded, you can enjoy the melting pot experience. Learn conversational Spanish or Korean and you’ll increase your customer base. Save thousands of dollars in insurance and car payments by driving non-glitz autos. Get thinner and eat Asian foods; enjoy a Mexican siesta once in a while and lessen your chances for high blood pressure and heart attacks. Melt in at pick-up basketball games and get in better physical shape. Nobody’s asking you to marry into the activities--so mix it up a little and don’t fear.


Maybe, what Tinsel Town needs is to become a more humble town and probably a more enviable town.


Woodland Hills

* To Las Vegas residents: Be wary of our fair-weather friends who are now flooding your state. They come seeking cheap housing, clean air, good schools and safe streets. They will ruin your state. They will come with their three cars and their taste for sprawl and mini-malls.

They like good schools and safe streets but vote down the bonds that fund them. They like clean air but won’t get out of their cars long enough to breathe it. When your city is a sprawling mess and your public services are in decline, they’ll leave you and talk about how nice Las Vegas used to be and you’ll be left to pick up the pieces.



Los Angeles
