
Water Needs Will Be Met by a Mixture of Sources

* I wish to comment on two major points in Leon Furgatch’s Sept. 5 Valley Commentary article on the Metropolitan Water District:

* Recent emphasis on conservation (more frugal use of water) and water reuse (water reclamation) does not imply a lessening of interest in additional imported supplies. MWD’s prime objective is to supply its member public agencies with adequate, reliable, quality water.

When it became clear that we could not simply rely upon the State Water Project to deliver in the future the contracted quantities, we initiated or expanded other means in our ongoing efforts to meet future water needs.


Thus, conservation, reclamation, water purchases, conjunctive use, added storage, water agreements with agricultural agencies all became very active programs. In short, meeting future needs will result from a mix of programs, including imported water supplies.

* My retirement as MWD’s general manager a few months ago was planned by me and my wife last summer for the end of the year with no regard for who would be chairman of the board of directors. Certain important matters in which I was involved were not completed before December, so I extended my tenure, allowing me to give reasonable notice. The fact that Mike Gage became chairman played no part in my leaving MWD.

By the way, I am enjoying my retirement.


