
VENTURA : City Offering Free Sail Trips for Disabled

Disabled people have a chance to go sailing thanks to a new program offered by the city of Ventura.

Last May, the city’s Department of Community Services began providing free sailing excursions for developmentally and physically disabled residents of Ventura County.

“It’s been wonderful, well-received and very popular,” said Renee Gomez, coordinator of the program.


Once a week, a half-dozen disabled landlubbers board a 26-foot sailboat operated by Sail Ventura, a nonprofit group that promotes local sailing and sponsors young sailors with Olympic potential.

The boat leaves from Ventura Harbor and ventures nearly a mile into the open sea. During the two-hour cruise, the participants learn basic sailing techniques from an experienced sailor.

“Sometimes I let the students take the tiller,” said Earl Ledbetter, captain of the boat. “Most of them really, really enjoy it. I’ve never even had anyone get sick.”


The boats used by Sail Ventura don’t have to be customized to carry disabled people. Ledbetter uses a hoist to lift a person from a wheelchair into the boat.

Although the trips are like pleasure cruises, Gomez wants them to provide more adventure. “They have the potential to be as challenging as people want,” she said.

Gomez started the program after reading a magazine article about a similar program originated by Access to Sailing, a Huntington Beach organization. Although the winter months may curtail sailing for a while, she plans to continue the program indefinitely and is seeking interested groups.


“I’m willing to set up whoever calls me,” said Gomez, who can be reached at 658-4739.
