
IRVINE : U.S. Funds Properly Spent, Review Finds

An annual city review of nonprofit agencies receiving funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has found that the money is being used properly.

The study, required by federal law, looked at more than a dozen local social service and affordable housing organizations that together spent about $298,300 from HUD during the last fiscal year.

The report will be presented at tonight’s City Council meeting, when the public will have a chance to comment on it.


The city distributed HUD funds last year to agencies ranging from the Senior Adult Day Service Center to the Legal Aid Society of Orange County.

In all cases, the report found that “the activities described . . . were carried out in a manner consistent with the (HUD) objectives of providing increased housing opportunities, public service and community development activities benefiting low- and moderate-income persons.”

Among the groups to spend the federal dollars were:

* The Irvine Child Development Agency, which used its $10,000 grant to provide emergency child care assistance to families facing temporary financial problems.


* Irvine Temporary Housing, which spent $10,000 to help provide temporary shelter and other services to low-income and homeless people.

* Share Our Selves, which used $8,000 to help provide dental and medical services to poor people.

In addition to the $298,300 already spent, the City Council has also tentatively earmarked an additional $600,000 in federal funds for other groups, including one which hopes to spend its $406,000 grant to help build a residential hotel in Irvine.


But before HomeAid gets the money, the hotel proposal must be approved by city officials.
