
BURBANK : Law Firm Hired for Suit Against Airport

The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to hire a Century City law firm for $35,000 to help with the lawsuit the city has filed challenging Burbank Airport’s $300-million plan to expand its terminal.

On a 10-0 vote, the council hired Manatt, Phelps and Phillips to help the city press its case that an environmental impact report by the airport failed to provide plans to mitigate the noise, air pollution and traffic problems that the city says will result from the terminal project.

The lawsuit, filed weeks ago, is the latest episode in a bitter wrangle between the city and Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority.


In March, the airport authority approved plans to build a new 790,000-square-foot terminal, five times larger than the existing facility, with twice as many passenger gates. The new terminal is to be completed in the year 2010.
